Fridrich (CFOP) Method

Case 5: Corner on Top, Edge in Middle

The first two and their mirrors are done in a similar way. The edge is brought to the top while the corner is moved to the bottom. The third one is a little obvious becase it already makes a connected pair, except it is "facing up" so it needs to be moved out of the middle layer. The last one might look long, but it is really just R U R' U' repeated 3 times (minus the last U').

Case Moves Mirror Moves
To connected pair:
U F' U F
  • [d R' U R] [U2 R' U R]
To connected pair:
U' R U' R'
  • [U' R U' R'] [U2 R U' R']
To separated pair:
U F' U' F
  • [d R' U' R] [d' R U R']
To separated pair:
U' R U R'
  • [U' R U R'] [d R' U' R]
To connected pair:
R U2 R'
  • [R U2 R'] [U' d' L' U L]
N/A -
To separated pair:
R U R' U' R U R'
  • [R U R' U' R U R'] U' R U R'
N/A -

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